New Technology in Construction of Cottages and Private Houses

New Technology in Construction of Cottages and Private Houses One of the criteria that individual developers are guided by when choosing a project is the speed of construction of the building. There are many explanations for this – the desire to move into your own home as soon as possible; surprises presented by the weather, which often complicates the implementation of technological operations and delays the delivery of the object.

And the practical side of the issue is also an important factor. In most cases, you have to rent something (a concrete mixer, for example), the fee for which is mainly calculated on a daily basis. New technologies for the construction of cottages and private houses, depending on the qualifications of the craftsmen and the thoughtfulness of the preparatory measures, allow you to build a typical house in just 2 to 3 months. That’s about them and will be described in the proposed article.

The author draws attention to the fact that technology and new building materials should not be confused. For example, foam concrete, slab OSV, logs rounded and so on. This is different, although the application and installation of each of the samples has its own specifics.

The latest construction technology Trends

TISENew Technology in Construction of Cottages and Private Houses

It is also used in everyday life with other names – “folk”, “permissible formwork”. Unlike many technologies, including the latest ones, this is a purely Russian invention. One of the advantages is the ability to literally do everything yourself, which is especially appreciated in the construction of private houses.


  • With this technology, columnar or pile foundations are erected. As an option – varieties with grillages. The main working tool at this stage is a drill specially designed for TISE.
  • Walls are built from blocks, and hollow, which are formed directly at the place of their installation. For this, formwork modules are used; they only need to be rearranged from time to time. Therefore, having fixed them on any segment where the wall should be erected, it remains only to load the solution and wait until it sets. After that – dismantling the modules and reinstalling to a new site.


  • The absence of the so-called “cold bridges.” By the way, one of the main problems that most private developers have to solve to reduce the level of heat loss.
  • Minimum employees. When erected by this technology, they will need 2 to 3 people (the owner himself and the strength of a pair of assistants). And then, only for certain operations. Basically, for reinstallation of switchboard modules, soil drilling.
  • You don’t have to rent or attract any equipment, which gives tangible savings.
  • The possibility of combining various building materials in such walls. As a rule, concrete + brick.

Wireframe technologyNew Technology in Construction of Cottages and Private Houses

So far, it is not practiced with us so often, but this is caused more likely by the low awareness of individual developers.


After the construction of the foundation, the frame is assembled. In fact, this is a design that combines vertically, horizontally and diagonally oriented beam elements. Basically, these are metal or wooden blanks – who and what is more convenient to work with. Metal samples are stronger, but fixing something on them, articulating with each other is possible only after drilling holes, or using a welding machine.

On this basis, in the construction of private houses using frame technology, wood is preferred during the installation of the “skeleton”. Basically, this is a beam, since its correct geometry greatly facilitates the assembly of the structure.

Walls are nothing more than a sheathing of a frame. In their construction, both various materials and technologies can be used. They are implemented in two versions. The first one is filled walls, when practically any heat-insulating materials are laid (filled up, filled in) between the cladding elements (for example, OSB boards). It can be foam concrete, mineral wool, expanded clay, polyurethane foam or otherwise. The second – prefabricated panels, in which waterproofing and insulation are already laid.

Although the latter option for making do-it-yourself is less appropriate. It is difficult to precisely assemble the panels in compliance with all the features of the technology. Yes, and installing in place such massive modules manually is impossible – you need a crane.


  • With this method of construction, you can equip the foundation of any type. This technology is recommended on all soils, including the “problematic” category.
  • The possibility (if desired or necessary) of quick redevelopment with minimal cost. The same applies to the increase in the size of a private house. Make an extension to it, expand the dimensions of the premises – not a problem. It is enough to install additional racks of the frame and sheathe new walls.
  • The “finishing” finish of a private house is made with any materials. In this regard, there are no restrictions, which allows the owners to choose the most economical option.

3D panelsNew Technology in Construction of Cottages and Private Houses

This technology is somewhat reminiscent of frame-shield, although there are differences. The panels, although of industrial manufacture, are not prefabricated panels, but monolithic expanded polystyrene plates, which are reinforced with reinforcing nets on both sides. Their mutual fixation is carried out by metal rods piercing the polymer diagonally. On the one hand – the assembly is solid, on the other – it is characterized by low weight.


  • As such, the “skeleton” of a private house is missing. Its role is played by the panels themselves, which are rigidly fastened together, forming the walls of the building.
  • After installation of the entire structure, it is covered with a concrete “shirt”. Accordingly, the shell is arranged on both sides of the 3D panels.


Given that the walls are basically polymer, such private houses are characterized by minimal heat loss.

SIP panels are also used in the construction of buildings – this is also from the sphere of the latest technologies. But in the construction of private houses they are practically not used. The main reason is the large dimensions of the products. Their main purpose is the construction of large-scale facilities (administrative, industrial and other buildings).

Therefore, paying attention to this technology is hardly appropriate if the topic of the article is private houses. As an option, order SIP panels according to your own drawings. But who would be interested in if such a construction comes out “penny”?

Fixed formworkNew Technology in Construction of Cottages and Private Houses

This technology has increasingly begun to be practiced in the construction of private houses, as it is basically better known.


The formation of fixed formwork is made from various samples (block, panel) that are installed along the perimeter of the foundation, with a distance (across the width of the tape) from each other. After the reinforcement elements (rods) are installed, the concrete solution is poured into the cavity.


  • Almost the entire cycle of work can be done alone. If helpers are needed, it is only at certain stages of the construction of the foundation and floors.
  • Such a private house, with the right choice of wall formwork material, does not need additional insulation.

The latest finishing technology trends

They should also be listed, since they are directly related to the construction industry. More details on each technology at the link.

  • Wet facade.
  • The facade is ventilated.

New materials

  • Foam glass.
  • Penetrating waterproofing.
  • The fittings are tensile and composite.
  • The plaster is decorative.

This article provides general information and is, in fact, an overview of all the latest technologies. For example, construction by the EcoCuba method is quite interesting, in which panels are assembled on the basis of straw bales of increased density covered with a metal frame. The “thermal house” technology is gaining popularity.

The author considered it appropriate to consider the features of only those construction technologies that are better known in our country, and are in demand among private developers. In addition, it is rather difficult to classify all practiced technologies. This is due to the fact that many of them are mixed, since their individual elements are somewhat similar or completely repeated – according to the method of installation of structural parts, the materials used at one or another stage of work.

But the above information is enough to determine from which it is still better to build a house. And all the other nuances can be clarified either independently, or consult a specialist.

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