Often, construction companies apply advanced technologies, testing them directly at construction sites. All this still at the planning stage requires the involvement of qualified personnel, where the construction project manager is among the key players.
The Russian construction industry is developing very rapidly. Every year, hundreds of residential and commercial facilities are commissioned. Consumers began to gain a deeper understanding of construction technologies and put forward more demands on construction companies. The latter, in turn, in order to survive in the conditions of fierce competition and meet modern quality standards, regularly improve projects, carefully think over designs and use only high-quality materials and equipment.
Often, construction companies apply advanced technologies, testing them directly at construction sites in collaboration with scientists. All this still at the planning stage requires the involvement of qualified personnel, where the construction project manager is among the key players. The wide range of responsibilities assigned to this specialist, as well as the requirements for the candidate to have a number of skills reflects his high importance in the implementation of the project at the appropriate level.
Who Is A Construction Project Manager?
The construction project manager is the specialist responsible for the successful implementation of the construction site entrusted to him. He manages the entire process from the planning stage and approval of project documentation to the commissioning of the building, and sometimes performs after-project support.
Although the name of the profession is relatively young (manager from the English “to manage” – to manage, to manage), the profession as such arose many centuries ago. Various kinds of managers and leaders existed in all settlements, villages, cities and states. Humanity has always needed a leader who can organize well-coordinated work, distribute responsibilities between the team entrusted to him. Under the leadership of the so-called construction project managers, great architectural masterpieces were created.
Today they manage the construction of the most comfortable and cozy residential complexes, work on the construction of production facilities for small and large enterprises. According to statistics, 11.6% of construction companies are in search of managers of construction projects, which indicates the high demand for this construction profession in the labor market.
The terms of reference of these specialists vary depending on the tasks assigned to the project and the internal personnel policy of the company. But in most cases, managers begin to work at the design stage, and are responsible for all stages of construction and the timely delivery of the order. The main responsibilities include:
- drawing up a construction plan;
- preparation and execution of relevant documentation: obtaining permits from authorized bodies, coordination of construction and inspection works, etc .;
- participation in tenders to obtain a land plot for construction;
- preparing a construction site and making an estimate for the purchase of necessary materials and equipment, as well as negotiating with companies selling materials, in order to obtain the most favorable cost;
- control over the distribution and expenditure of funds;
- selection of personnel, distribution of responsibilities between them;
- control over the location and safety of all construction resources in the entrusted area, as well as the timely completion of each construction phase;
- interaction with utilities to provide the construction site with access to external utilities.
In addition to knowing all the features of the construction work, the construction project manager must be well versed in legislation to avoid adverse consequences when commissioning the property.
What Personal Qualities Should A Construction Project Manager Have?
Construction project manager – manager and builder in one person. In addition to a large baggage of practical knowledge, he should have a number of personal qualities that will enable him to successfully implement his tasks and be in demand on the labor market.
Key to him are leadership qualities. He must possess organizational skills and be able to lead the entire construction team, find solutions to even the smallest problems that can affect the process of performing work. Communicative skills will not be superfluous, allowing you to effectively interact with ordinary workers and with the authorities that regulate and control construction projects.
Carefulness and accuracy will allow not to ignore any, even the most insignificant detail. Timely detection of a lack of materials or the organization of equipment repair will avoid downtime at the site. In addition, these qualities are the key to maintaining order in the documentation and control over the expenditure of material resources.
The work of the construction project manager is very intense, so he can not do without stress resistance, the ability to quickly respond to the situation, and a high level of responsibility. He is also characterized by analytical abilities, the desire for self-development, the search for new ideas. A true professional knows how to find a creative approach to solving the most complex problems, and has a broad horizons.
Advantages Of The Profession Construction Project Manager
The construction industry is experiencing an acute shortage of qualified personnel. This is especially true for construction project managers. The shortage of construction managers leads to a high demand for construction project managers. Accordingly, their employment advantages are great.
Often these specialists act as civilian employees who, after the completion of the project, transfer to work in another company. Therefore, in order to get a good manager, companies are ready to pay him a lot of money, bargain and interrupt the offers of competitors. However, even working in a full-time position, specialists receive a fairly high salary. On average, a construction project manager, depending on the profitability of the project and the size of the company for which he works, as well as on the region of residence, can receive from 40 to 350 thousand rubles.
In addition, he has the opportunity to constantly deepen his knowledge, establish business relations with suppliers and authorities, gain invaluable experience, which in the future may result in opening his own construction business .
The work of the construction project manager allows him to plan his day on his own. That is, he has a choice of what he will do, and where he will be at a certain time. He leads an active lifestyle and often travels, which means a lack of attachment to one place.
Disadvantages Of The Profession Construction Project Manager
High incomes and other benefits of the profession are certainly good. But financial independence and demand in the labor market have not yet been given to anyone for no reason. The load on the construction project manager, who is fully responsible for the entire construction process, corresponds to the size of his remuneration. He bears great responsibility for everything that happens at the facility, and, in the event of any unforeseen situation, it will be he who will be liable for damages. It doesn’t matter by whose fault the deadlines or construction technology were violated due to which defects arose – the construction project manager will be responsible.
Heavy workloads, tight schedules for commissioning facilities, pressure from customers and investors, bureaucratic red tape with documentation, irregular working hours leave a negative imprint on the state of health. Constant stress and lack of rest leads to the development of nervous diseases. In addition, accidents sometimes result in serious injuries at construction sites. If the head of the construction project does not suffer himself as a result of the accident, then, all the same, he is responsible for the construction workers at the facility entrusted to him.
Another disadvantage is the seasonality of work. Since construction is gaining maximum speed only in the warm season, the construction project manager cannot plan vacations in the summer, and often sits without work in the winter.
Where Can I Get The Profession Of A Construction Project Manager?
MASPK invites you to take professional retraining courses under the construction program . We offer advanced technologies of distance education with the issuance of a standard diploma.
Russian Institute of Vocational Education “IPO” – conducts recruitment of students for the construction program, vocational retraining and advanced training. Studying at IPO is a convenient and quick way to get distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact!
It is possible to get the post of manager of a construction project only after receiving a diploma of higher education and gaining the necessary experience and practical knowledge in the field of construction. The peculiarity of mastering the profession lies in the possibility of undergoing training at a university without interruption from production.
Many successful construction managers began their career paths as work assistants at small construction sites. After school, some entered secondary vocational education institutions for construction specialties, and after graduation they worked in construction teams, and only then went to improve their skills at universities.