The pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of the economy around the world, the development of many technologies in science, business, education, and entertainment. This paved the way for new technological breakthroughs.
Technology transfer office expert, founder of the international group of companies Powercode and President of Software Engineering named the main trends of 2022.
In 2021, many sectors felt financial uncertainty and this held back investment, while a clearer situation this year will fill these gaps. Here are 12 tech trends to watch closely in 2022.
1) This year, the prospects for the development of VR technologies are obvious, which will rapidly enter the educational process, the inventory industry, business and science. The first days of quarantine restrictions showed that video conferencing both for business events and for educational purposes is far from always optimal – it is difficult to keep attention, there is no necessary “degree” of networking. This has led to the emergence of a number of online event services using VR. Such technologies have every chance of accelerated growth this year.
2) In the current environment, not only the remote services themselves are important, but also the security of the data in them. In this sense, blockchain provides good support, which is used, for example, for electronic storage of evidence or even in electronic courts. Blockchain is often talked about in the context of creating a standardized database of so-called vaccination passports.
3) The relevance of data security and cybersecurity will fuel investor interest in cryptographic technology.
4) The use of artificial intelligence in various industries will expand – from media and logistics to, say, electronic copyright courts (there are already examples when AI determines the authenticity of downloaded content and “makes a verdict”).
5) Closer integration of cloud technologies into business and entertainment services will also take place in the near future. This is especially predicted for cloud gaming.
6) “The clouds” require a faster Internet connection, so the development of 5G and the spread of broadband Internet will accelerate significantly.
7) The pandemic forced everyone to pay more attention to health, and this could not but affect the development of smart gadgets that “learned” to measure oxygen saturation in the blood, do a cardiogram and much more. Given the presence of these indicators in dynamics, physicians will be able to start working more closely with these statistics and respond faster. The gadgets themselves will soon receive a new portion of sensors and metrics and will become closer to a person than a traditional smartphone.
8) The improvement of smart watches and other smart devices will create a database for the development of new medical services.
9) It is impossible not to cancel the prospects for the development of cellular technologies in the creation of food of the future, although society, including the scientific community, will continue discussions about the usefulness of “non-enzyme” milk, artificial meat and similar products.
10) The transition of entertainment such as cinemas to the online has led to the growth of streaming platforms and online entertainment venues. Since the paid revenue model for streaming services has been successful last year, the industry is looking forward to investment and new technology solutions.
11) Companies will continue to optimize processes, automate assembly and logistics lines, combining manual labor and robotization.
12) Businesses will go deeper into data analysis. And if earlier only large companies could afford the services of data engineers, now the segment will expand, trying to reach medium and even small entrepreneurs.