New Home Building Technology for Fast and Economical Residential Construction

In recent years, the construction of individual houses has been rapidly developing in the world, and gradually, more and more people are abandoning such ancient and traditional material as brick.

In this article will consider new home building technology that is no more than 20 years old. We start our review with the cheapest construction options, and then move on to the more expensive ones.

New Home Building Technology

Genesis HomesNew Home Building Technology

Time to build a house of 50 square meters: 10 days. From 15 days is needed for the final finish. After about 40 days, you can move into the house.

The basis of the house is a durable frame made of galvanized metal, which does not deform under the influence of any atmospheric phenomena. It is important to note that there are no allergenic components in the design.

The frame is produced in the factory. Due to its properties, the technology allows you to build houses up to 4 floors high. While the frame is made at the factory, it is possible to prepare the foundation of the house in parallel, preferably shallow. After the frame is brought to the construction site, its installation will be completed in a few days. Other advantages of the technology are the low amount of heat loss, the absence of the need to lay a deep foundation.

Experts have questions about sound insulation in houses built using this technology. After all, metal is not the best material for these purposes.

Building a house from the groundNew Home Building Technology

Time to build a house of 50 square meters: 30 days

The idea of building a house out of the ground is not new. But only a few years ago a hand-held electrified tool was created that compacts soil and other building mixtures. Thanks to this, now every land owner can do most of the details for a one- or two-story house at the construction site using soil.

The main advantages of building from soil are its cheapness and environmental friendliness. Another plus is the saving on heating, since much less energy is needed to maintain the room temperature in the house. Moreover, such houses do not burn – fire, on the contrary, makes the walls even stronger. If the house is built without a basement, then the soil excavated for the foundation will be enough to build the walls of a one-story house.

By adding a small amount of stabilizers to the soil, building blocks become indelible. For people who doubt the durability of such buildings, there is a striking example – the Priory Palace, which was built in Russia in 1798. In the days of World War II, even massive stone buildings were destroyed by shells and bombs, and the palace survived from the ground.

True, experts warn of one drawback of this technology: after rain, salts that are contained in the soil appear on the surface of the house. As a result – salt stains will be constantly visible – the sight is not very aesthetically pleasing.

EcoCub technology housesNew Home Building Technology

Time to build a house of 50 square meters: 30 days

The EcoCub technology combines the idea of building frame houses and the technology of building from straw blocks. The rectangular straw bales made by balers are pressed again for even greater rigidity, and then each straw bale is then framed in a mini-skeleton. The side walls are plastered and painted. There are holes in the frame into which plywood plates are inserted – this way possible cold bridges are closed. The authors of the technology convince that each owner with a screwdriver in his hand can assemble such a house.

The only minus of houses built using the EcoCub technology is that, in addition to you, small rodents, especially mice, will want to settle in it. Therefore, the house will have to have a cat (and preferably two).

Building technology houses with fixed formworkNew Home Building Technology

Time to build a house of 50 square meters: 45 days

Fixed formwork blocks are two polystyrene foam plates that are interconnected by strong jumpers. At the same time, empty cavities are reinforced and filled with concrete. The upper and lower planes of the system elements have special locks of complex shape, which resembles cubes in the children’s game “LEGO”. This eliminates the use of temporary retaining elements. At the same time, the joints are tight and the outflow of concrete is blocked.

The main advantages of a house built using this technology are 3 times less heating compared to a brick building, the expansion of the internal space during construction due to thin walls (in a house 10X10 m – by 15 sq. M), the highest of all existing building materials are sound-absorbing properties, the smooth surface of the deck is ready for finishing with any materials.

Thanks to the simple principle of construction, it is not difficult to build a small house with your own hands, casting the walls of such a house half a meter a day on a day. Practice shows that three people-builders can build a 120-meter house in a month, spend a few more weeks on the roof.

Experts advise you to carefully choose a company-developer. Practice shows that builders do not always correctly carry out the technological cycle. They are trying to save on building materials, picking low-quality polystyrene foam, cheap fasteners. As a result, fire safety in such a house is reduced to zero.

Homes using Prokhorov technologyNew Home Building Technology

Time to build a house of 50 square meters: 40 days – with the foundation, 7 days – on the finished foundation already wrote about the builder from St. Petersburg Stanislav Prokhorov, who developed the technology for the rapid construction of low-rise buildings. The main principle of building elements is that the structural material is also decoration. The building element is empty inside, it is filled with loose, non-combustible thermal insulation. The internal volume is divided into many sealed chambers, due to which the natural design of plant stems is imitated. The principle of installation of the structure is that all parts of the structure (internal and external walls, rafter structures, floor floors) are assembled from the same elements of the desired length. And outwardly such a structure resembles a familiar house from glued beams.

True, so far only a few houses have been built using such technology. And the question of their reliability is still on the agenda. In addition, according to experts, for such a price you can build a house using traditional technology – from brick without taking into account the interior decoration.

As you can see, thanks to human imagination, today you can build houses literally from everything at hand. The only question is how much do you trust such innovations. Of course, now such technologies seem exotic, but, as practice shows, over time, any technology becomes only cheaper.

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